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Posts: 9
Location: United States Sunbright, Tennessee
Occupation: Artist Blacksmith
Age: 81
#131   2009-10-11 16:56          
I have been requested to conduct a workshop December 18-20th to build belt grinders. That is the third weekend in December. I expect that we will get together on Friday, late afternoon, to get acquainted and discuss the weekend's proceedings. Saturday morning we will go to the shop and start assembling grinders. We should be able to finish grinders on Saturday but can use Sunday for finishing touches or just play in the forge. There is space for camping or campers, or participants can either sleep in the shop or the dormitory type basement. I will not be furnishing food for the workshop but there are grills, an oven/microwave and refrigerator available in the shop. There is a restroom in the shop and a full bath in the basement. There is a motel about 15 miles away and several B&Bs close. It is 15 miles to any other place to eat and 9 miles to the nearest grocery store. If you want "adult beverages" for the evenings or after work is done you should bring them.

E-mail me or call for a copy of the "Build A Belt Grinder" brochure which gives more information about the grinder and payment including pictures.

If you want to attend this workshop reply to this e-mail and let me know that your deposit of $600.00 is in the mail. The total cost is $900.00. If you send a deposit and then, for some reason, are unable to attend I will refund your deposit when I am able to use the parts ordered for the workshop, either in this workshop or some later workshop. We need to get the deposits in as quickly as possible because there is quite a bit of lead time in ordering the parts and doing the shop prep work.

You will not need to bring any tools. Just expect to be here, have a good time and leave with a grinder ready to plug in and go to work.

Please e-mail me or call me with any questions.

I hope to hear from you soon.
Wayne Coe
729 Peters Ford Road
Sunbright, Tennessee 37872

Reply: (please fill out this form and return it to me)

I can attend December 18-20

I can not attend at this time but keep me informed as to later workshops.

PS: I also have an inline treadle hammer for sale for $975.00. It is the one that I got at our workshop. It has a solid anvil and has been modified to make it work extremely smoothly.
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