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Posts: 137

Location: United States Sharpsburg, GA
Occupation: Retired Programer
Age: 73
#501   2012-11-01 13:48          
FYI we didn't have an iron in the hat drawing at this meeting. There were few items donated and not too many people still around after we ate so the decision was made to just save the items for next month.
Saturday was a great day for smithing. Torch had brought along his forge & anvil along with the 2 setups in the trailer. I made another courting candle holder all except for the wooden plug. Then I made a small tomahawk head. It was made from an old railroad spike that we flattened out and bent around a drift. After cleaning it up at home with a grinder it doesn't look too bad but I don't think I could trade it for a pony back in the day.
Cal Kohler
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