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Posts: 4

Location: United States Stockbridge
Occupation: Meat Cutter
Age: 37
#682   2014-01-26 20:42          
Hello everyone,
lately Ive been attempting to create my own set of tools, namely a set of tongs from some scrap rebar (I know rebar is basically junk, but i figured I could at least get the technique down) and ive run into the problem of the metal cracking, and sometimes breaking completely. I assume this is a case of weak, or bad steel. Is there another type of scrap I could practice on, say RR spikes, since they are generally at least considered a Medium quality steel. I realize of course this would take considerably more time drawing out, and shaping the metal to the desired shape, however time isnt much of an issue for me since I enjoy it all the same.

I eagerly await any suggestions or input
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