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Posts: 119
Location: United States Alpharetta
Occupation: Illustrator
Age: 39
#800   2014-08-17 21:30          
For those of you not at the meeting or to reiterate for those that were, I will be taking over the position of newsletter editor.

I am aiming right now to put out the newsletter quarterly with the first one being September (though that is tentative).

I need your help with content! Please send your photos, notes and sketches from meetings. Any write up you want to submit. It can be anything; ie. an opinion, idea, tips and tricks, demos, reactions to something from a meeting, advice, articles, research, coverage of an event you went to, coverage of a meeting, shoe and tell. You can send me a few sentences or a full feature article. I am also open to event advertisements and classifieds, but keep in mind this is to be a quarterly, so plan accordingly for dates.

The email for submitting content is newsletter AT Please put ABBA newsletter or Hammer's Arc as the subject. Also include your name. As of right now Sean thinks the email forwards to him, but he will be switching it to forward to me.

Thank you in advance for your help. I know you have all wanted to have a newsletter again, but remember it's a team effort. I need your help to make it great.
"Get 'em while they're hot!"
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