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Dietrich Hoecht

Posts: 51

Location: United States Clayton, GA
Occupation: piddles in metal, roams the woods
Age: 82
#1   2018-06-08 09:45          
Hi folks,

I make jewelry besides blacksmithing. You surely know of Valerie Ostenak, who was the ABANA editor of the Anvil's Ring for several years. She is an outstanding jewelry designer, and I have followed her successes on her website. We had exchanged a few emails, but I don't know her well. She has received a co-branding offer with her jewelry from an English luxury carmaker, which requires some capitalization on her part and she is trying to crowd source the funds. Google her name and you can read on her website.
Apparently there have been some misgivings between her and the ABAMA board, that is why she has not solicited help from there. But that should not be here nor there nor yonder today for anyone else.
She would need spreading the word and any financial support she can get.
Our posting site has been a dead zone for quite a while, and I hope there is still someone who reads this.


Added 11 days later:

Update - Valerie has secured funding and has now signed an agreement with Rolls Royce. Let's wish her good luck!

This post was edited by Dietrich Hoecht (2018-06-20 09:15, ago)
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