Forge Item for ABBA Trailer
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Submitted by: Sean OShea   Date: 2013-02-20 08:42
We are doing maintenance and inventory on the ABBA trailer this weekend to prepare for the miles it is going to get going to both the ABANA Convention in March and the Madison Conference in May. Contact Tony "Torch" Mullins for info on helping at this weekend's (2/23/2013) work party. EVENT DETAILS HERE

At the February meeting - the challenge for March/April was set up to build stanchions/post for making crowd control easier at events. Please have a go a forging one or more for the groups use.

Specification: LONG - 60" w/ 1.25" rope rings at top and 21" from the top OR SHORT 48" w/ 1.25" rope rings at the top and 14.5" from the top.

We have a jig for making the lower rope ring out of 1/4" round that we can weld to the stanchion if you want to skip that part. Or make your own!

Decorate/embellish however you like - but consider that the top with be repeatedly struck with a hammer over the years. Please add your touchmark to your contribution (not on the very top for the aforementioned reason). A taper a the end to aid in driving into the ground would be nice.

THANKS!! and looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

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