Heart hook demo . Charlie Orlando's tips
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Author: Jim Guy
Submitted by: jguy   Date: 2009-08-30 21:22
My first blacksmithing class was taught by Charlie Orlando at John C Champbell. I really got a lot out of that class. Charlie Orlando touched on just about everything in that class in a 4 or 5 hour long demonstration at the June 2003 at Tom Davenhall's shop. Take a look at the 'Rules to Forge by'. Charlie had the whole audience repeating them throughout the demo until everyone had them memorized! (. . . just remember: "keep it as strait as you can, for as long as you can" . . . ). These drawings appeared in the July-September 2003 issue of "the Hammer's Arc".

Hear Hook demo

Tips from Charlie Orlando
Tags: Demo,  Drawing,  Project
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