Benefits of welding class
Comments: (4)
Author: Ed Aaron
Submitted by: hotFe2   Date: 2009-09-15 10:39
There have been several projects that I wanted to complete but don't own
a welder or the knowledge of welding. I decided to take an adult ed welding
class and got to practice welding and the opportunity to complete some of
the projects.

Bear in mind that since my eyesight is not great and I have the shakes-or
involuntary jerks that occur at the wrong times-my welding isn't as great
as it should be, but should hold..
Also, I should have sanded and painted the stands, but since my surgery,
it will be a few weeks before I can do that..

Image 2640 is a combination leg vise - hardie tool holder which the parts
have laid in the yard since our hurricanes 3 years ago-reason there is some

Image 2642 are blank dies that should have been formed before welding, but
my class was ending, so I had to hurry.

Image 2643 is something that I copied from a catalog probably 8 years ago
but was afraid to try to weld-but now finally put together.
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1.   Posted by John Myers   2009-09-18 20:41    

ED I would appreciate it if you would tell us what the dies in photo 2642 are used for and how they are used.

2.   Posted by jguy   2009-09-20 07:13    

The guillotine tool in phone 2642 is really interesting isn't it? It has angle iron guides for both the tool and the die. I have not seen that before. I can see how it would make for a precise fit.

3.   Posted by hotFe2   2009-09-20 17:41    

Wellllll John, that is the problem, they are blanks, could be used for a flatener
but my intentions were to have them as a tenon maker or ball maker.. not sure
that I can still make them...I just wanted to weld something and my class time
was near the end..I just rounded up some things and welded. If I do make them
into what I said, I'll advise you.
Jim, almost the same answer.. a friend gave me some appx 16 inch bars about
1.5 inch square which I've made other handled dies from but I could have made them
solid and still fit the guillotine--(which is a Dan Tull design)--I just decided
to try welding some angle iron on them..I only have a butcher and fuller made
from thin springs and wanted to add more dies..I'm getting brave in my old age.

4.   Posted by hotFe2   2009-09-22 09:46    

Another little note: the angle iron on the top die could have been cut off
flush with top of die, or longer that it is-equal lengths and bent
toward the round bar and welded to it to give the round bar more support
since it will be the struck part..I must do a lot of half fast or how
ever you spell it things..

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